Our Brain on Music

Did you know music is powerful medicine for the brain?

Most of us already know how we feel once we turn on the stereo, close our eyes, and rock out to our favorite band. But then, what does it actually do to our brains?

As I have been reading a number of scientific studies about the effects of music on my brain, I am fascinated by the extent of modern medical technology employed to prove how the brain is altered by music. There are dozens of very informative articles, colorful graphs, and even specific case studies that provide us a grasp of how malleable our physical brains actually are when it is exposed to works such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, George Strait, and even nursery rhymes. 

This branch of research exploring the reactions of the nervous system as we listen to music has been coined, Neuromusicology. The evidence is showing time and again that listening to music makes us happier, healthier, and smarter! Music stimulates connections between both sides of the brain at once which can increase our capacity for memory, creativity, and stimulate the release of endorphins. And I love me some endorphins, don’t you? Many people find relief of stress, anxiety, and even pain, just from listening to an hour of delicious tunes!

And these benefits, along with many others, are amplified when we listen to music as it is being performed live.

I found it to be so much more than mere entertainment. I like to think I truly get what William Congreve was trying to convey when he penned “Music has charms to soothe the savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” 

As it turns out, he was very much on the mark! So, my plan is to attend as many live performances as possible, and I hope that’s your plan too!

Check out our calendar for the upcoming live music events before they sell out!


Rebel Lilly

~A lover of lesser used words, critters of every order, and coffee. She is the girl that prefers her flowers uncut, her sunshine unbroken by clouds, and her toes in the sand.  

•All statements made in this blog are my opinion and my thoughts alone. Statements on this blog and webpage are not to be taken as medical advice in any manner. I base my writings on my personal experiences and on my own inquiry. It is highly suggested readers complete their own research and consult a medical professional before implementing any guidance offered here.

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