Top Ten SBDAC Sights
Find out the Top 10 SBDAC Sights

What’s in a Name?
Who’s name will you honor today?

Something Old
“If you do it right the first time, you won’t have to do it a second time.”

Did somebody say free wine?
Why Should I Become a Member or a Volunteer?

Art. It’s good for your soul… and your body!
Beautiful things. They make you healthier.

Impact of the Arts on our Fort Myers Economy
Hitting you right where you live…

What Exactly is There to do in This Beautiful Building?
Click “Read More” to find out!

Our Brain on Music
Our Brain on Music
Most of us already know how we feel once we turn on the stereo, close our eyes, and rock out to our favorite band. But then, what does it actually do to our brains?